Monday, September 17, 2007

Contesting the Objectivist Paradigm: Gender Issues in the Technical and Professional Communication Curriculum

In her article “Contesting the Objectivist Paradigm: Gender Issues in the Technical and Professional Communication Curriculum,” Lee Brasseur discusses the different aspects of her master’s level “Gender Issues in Technical and Professional Writing and Communication” class and how she is working toward a socially responsible discourse model.

Brasseur begins her discussion by giving a brief history of language practices. She says that scientific language has been about clarity and conciseness, but that it often hides the complexity of the social environment. Scientific rationalism reflects a view of subject/object ideologies, which assume that one’s position is impartial because the human agency is self-defined and self-motivated. Language practices influenced by this outlook promote a disregard for any culture or cultures outside the dominant one. The dominant group naturally imposes an order upon the more subordinate parts of the culture. Science and technology have reflected the views of the dominant group within its culture, which is a “masculinist model of human experience which assigns goodness to certain valued ‘male’ traits such as rational thinking and objectivity” (477). The current understanding of rational judgment is defined by this group’s ideas about human behavior. However, this paradigm is shifting as more critics warn us about its problematic theories and practices. These critics hope to replace the current discourse model with one that emphasizes multiple positions and moves toward a new paradigm of “objective” discourse.

Brasseur then goes on to discuss the need for a course devoted to gender issues in technical communication. Her goals for the class are to communicate to future technical communicators the value of critiquing the traditional technical discourse model and its reliance on gender-based assumptions. She believes that a course entirely devoted to discussing gender issues will help students study the theoretical and practical information that can strengthen their resolve to change outdated and ineffective paradigms. The students in her class, she believes, will learn that although some of the current discourse models in technical communication are effective in an organization, they may also contribute to communication that limits the capacity to promote change.

Next, Brasseur highlights the two course goals for her “Gender Issues in Technical and Professional Writing and Communication” class. The first goal is to introduce students to the “problems inherent in gendered assumptions about rationality and objectivity, as well as the role of feminist theory in addressing these problems” (479). While the second goal is for students to “gain practical experience in addressing these problems by conducting ethnographic workplace studies” (479).

The assigned readings for Brasseur’s course include those that would present oppositional or essentialist views of feminism, and those that promoted situated knowledge. These texts focus on the societal differences between men and women, as well as the different ways of thinking and understanding. Brasseur discusses the difficulty in selecting textbooks, and says her final decision was based on the diverse background of her students.

For assignments, Brasseur’s students responded in essay format to one or two questions that were meant to help them sort out what they had read. In addition to the assigned readings, Brasseur also had her students select their own readings and lead a class discussion about what they had found. To complete her second goal, the students designed a workplace ethnographic study on a topic related to gender issues.

Brasseur then goes on to describe her syllabus for the course. The syllabus consisted of three units, which focused on specific goals for the class. The first unit was centered on the larger problems of discourse models with privilege objective voices. The second unit provided an examination of two central issues underlying this communication model: “the important role that naming plays in determining how we think and communicate our sense of reality,” and “how permanent positionings of domination and subordination underlie any problematic subject/object ideologies” (481). The third unit addressed the social construction of the workplace and promoted the examination of traditional forms of oral discourse. In addition to the three units, the syllabus listed student-selected readings that focused on the topic of women and technology.

Next, Brasseur discusses an essential part of her course design, which is moving from theory to practice. Through the assigned readings, students became aware of the different theories related to technical discourse, and from these readings, they were able to design their own workplace study to help them gain a personal understanding of the complexity of organizational roles of rationality and objectivity. Brasseur taught her students how to perform proper ethnographies, which take place in a “real world” setting and instead of having the traditional hypothesis, begin with a series of general questions. Even though these studies weren’t performed in a short-time period, Brasseur believed they were useful because they offer a different kind of picture than a study performed in a laboratory. The students performed a variety of studies including some with educational settings, one in a bank, and one in a hospital. Brasseur says that greatest value of the studies was that they provided direct examples of gender-based assumptions for her students.

Brasseur concludes her article by discussing the student and instructor evaluations for the course. She says that overall, the students’ responses were positive, and that the only real complaint was the amount of reading. The comments from her students included how they couldn’t imagine a degree without this class and how the class helped them see the relation of feminist theory to technical writing. Brasseur also includes her own set of comments for what she would like to change about the course in the future. These comments include a change in the required texts, and to allow students to choose any workplace situation to study, not just gender. Brasseur ends her discussion by stating that traditional technical models of discourse are normally taught, and that her class provides a different way of thinking about discourse models.

Campbell Chapter 3 - Isn't There a Law Somewhere?

In this chapter, Campbell discusses the legality and consequences of policies and procedures. She starts by stating that as a writer, you have to be familiar with the restrictions imposed by the laws to avoid your organization being sued.

Next, Campbell states some of the reasons you can and will be sued for. They are:
• If the procedures used by customers or employees are unclear, imprecise, or poorly worded.
• If your policy or procedure violates some law or legal precept, intentionally or unintentionally.
• If the wording of your policies and procedures restricts the organization’s ability to act.
• If you have written policies and procedures but don’t use them or don’t enforce them consistently.
• If you fail to state who is responsible for or what the consequences of noncompliance are.
• If your policies or procedures are incomplete, in improper order, or inaccurate.

Campbell then talks about special obligations needed to prevent users from understanding your policies and procedures. These are language barriers and literacy problems. She says that for literacy problems, to make the document written at an appropriate reading level. For language barriers, the document may need to be translated.

Then, Campbell goes on to discuss the different types of violations. The first is a tort, which is simply a wrongful act, one that violates a duty imposed by law, and is grounds for a civil action. Campbell says that you may face court challenges for a variety of reasons including: operational policies and procedures violate safety regulations or pollution laws; administrative policies and procedures violate fiduciary laws or fraud statutes; or if your personnel policies and procedures violate civil right laws or public policy, which refers to actions that may not have any direct statutory protection but are generally recognized as being in the public interest.

The next type of violation that Campbell discusses is negligence, which is the failure to exercise reasonable care in instances where such care is a duty under the law. These claims tend to affect procedures more than policies, but they can happen in either case. They have always been an issue when it comes to product liability because you are obligated to give clear, complete, and reasonable instructions for installation, operation, maintenance, and repair. Negligence can also be found in personnel policies and procedures.

Campbell then goes on to the third type of violation, which is breach of contract. Policies and procedures are considered an implied contract even though they are not signed. The Michigan Supreme Court ruled that contractual obligations exists if the organization creates policies and procedures, then leads employees to believe that they are: established and official rules, fair rules, and rules that are consistently, uniformly applied to all employees. Implied contract claims frequently involve disciplinary or termination matters and are of special concern to personnel policies and procedures. Virtually anything you do or say that could be construed as a policy statement is under scrutiny.

Next, Campbell discusses the importance of disclaimers since users and courts may see your policies and procedures as an implied contract. She says that whatever type of wording you use for a disclaimer, be sure it’s strong, clear, and definite. For internal policies and procedures, a disclaimer should be added that declares that they do not constitute a contract and may be changed at any time. Campbell says that the disclaimer can be placed at the beginning of the handbook, as well as throughout the handbook. For external users, warranty disclaimers and other disclaimers are a means of clarifying responsibilities or consequences.

Then, Campbell discusses the need to update your policies and procedures. Courts expect you to keep people informed of your current standards and rules.

Campbell goes on to discuss the difference between manuals and handbooks. The term handbook may imply information that is widely distributed to a general audience, while the term manual may imply more detailed information that is restricted in circulation to a select audience and is considered confidential. Handbooks may create an implied contract, while manuals don’t necessarily create a contractual obligation to employees as a whole. The term user’s guide is used to avoid contractual obligations because the title implies that the book contains guidelines, not absolutes.

Next, Campbell discusses what the courts want the organizations to do to avoid legal risks. These include:
• Operating in safe, reasonable, fair manner.
• Communicating your policies and procedures clearly.
• Enforcing policies and procedures.

To conclude this chapter, Campbell discusses how to protect yourself. She says that there are no legal guarantees, but you should have the goals of reducing legal exposure and to be in a good position to defend yourself if it becomes necessary. You should focus on two factors: content that is appropriate, sufficient, and accurate and writing that is clear, understandable and precise. These factors fall into six categories:
• Word your policies and procedures carefully.
• Check the content.
• Reserve management’s right to discretionary action.
• Preserve your right to make changes.
• Consider the informal and unwritten rules.
• Use and enforce the rules.

Writing Software Documentation, Barker, Chapter 3

This chapter covers what a procedure is, how procedures work, and what the writer should think about before writing a procedure.

The first item a writer should keep in mind is Relating tasks to meaningful workplace activities (64). Barker continues to say that procedures are parts of a whole and should be written with the clarity of how a procedure fits into the larger picture.

Determining how much information the user needs (66) is the second item on Barker's list. Detail in a procedure increases with the degree of difficultly of the procedure. A good rule of thumb is the more detail, the more visuals and explanations should be present. Barker outlines some different ways to enrich procedures:
  • Layering information for different users, those who already know part of the procedure and those who are learning for the first time.
  • Screen shots provide the users with a visual of what to do next.
  • Cautions & Warnings provide the user with advanced knowledge of how to retrieve information should it be lost.
  • Tips for efficient use help the user by offering an alternate method for accomplishing a task, or elaborating on a step or command.
  • Tables allow for efficient organization of information. A few uses for tables in procedures are to present information on features and uses as well as terms and definitions.
  • References to other sections of the manual or procedure or other resources
  • Explanations of any step or command

Choosing the appropriate procedural format (72) can have a major impact on how well received your procedure is. Four formats that are covered in this section.

Standard format which contains steps, notes, screen shots, and other elements left justified in one or two columns in a sequential order from first to last. Advantages of this format are its recognizability, its ease of flow from one page to another, the ability to easily re-number tasks, and the easy to see steps. Some disadvantages are the space it may require and the potential to be confusing if complex steps need to be mixed with simple steps.

Prose format puts steps in sentences and paragraph forms making it look and feel more conversational over Standard format's command approach. Advantages of prose are the relaxed tone, saves space, clarifies simple, basic steps, accommodates experienced users. Some disadvantages are steps buried in paragraphs, lengthy explanation of individual steps, inability to accommodate graphics, and the lack of support for novice users.

Parallel format shows a screen with the fields empty and parallels the field names in the steps that follow. This format is nice for programs with complicated data fields of dialog boxes. Some keys to parallel format are to keep terminology consistent, cue terms to the screen, discuss one screen at a time, use plenty of examples, explain the format to the user. Advantages of parallel format are the organizational benefits, great for complicated screens and dialog boxes. Disadvantages are it doesn't present the information in step by step format, it can not be used for all procedures, it may confuse users, it has to fit on one page.

Embedded help is the name for "interactive assistance" found in most programs today. Uses for embedded help are tips for effective use (reminders of keyboard shortcuts or suggested file names), cue cards (brief explanations of buttons and fields), short animated descriptions, and trouble-shooting tips. Different types of embedded help are:

Flyout help Help that appears in a box or panel on the screen at the user's request.
Interactive flyout help. This form monitors the user's progress in filling out a dialog box and highlights one step at a time until the procedure is complete.

Do it for me help this form of help contains links within the online help procedure that activate the screen element or dialog box described in the procedure.

Field-level help Help that provides information on how to enter information in fields.
Interface help. Help information (brief instructions) provided in a designated section of a screen.

Pop-up definitions Pop-up definitions provide brief definitions of interface elements activated by a mouse click.

Roll-overs Definitions of interface items that appear when you move a mouse over the item and (often) pauseFollowing a rhythm of exposition (80) means consistency through out the procedure. An example of rhythm of exposition is:
  • First I give command for the step.
  • Then I say how the program will respond.
  • Then I illustrate what happened.
  • Then I tell the next step.

Test all procedures for accuracy (81). Always conduct usability tests for your procedure to ensure that they are effective and correct.

The Discussion section (81) of this chapter begins with what constitutes a procedure. Procedures are used when a user is doing something with the program. Procedures function on the guidance level by telling the user which key to press next, what screens and reports will come up next, and how to get out of trouble. Procedures differ from the teaching level because procedures are geared towards what should be done at any given moment rather than a tutorial of the program. Procedures differ from support level reference documents in that procedures follow a chronological or sequential order.

Procedures work by maintaining a general layout of information. Each procedure should have a project-orientated name, i.e. Opening a file, or Recalling a Record from the Client Database. The task name is followed by an overview or introduction that orients the reader to the use of the procedure, reminding the user what the task will allow them to accomplish in a work setting. Following the overview are the steps. This aspect is the most important because it is the period of time that affects the user directly. Great care should be taken when writing the steps so the user does not get confused or lost. Methods you can take to try to ensure the user fully understands your procedure are placing smaller actions in prose format under the parent action or elaborating on a parent action, i.e.

  • Step 1. Choose Group from the Maintenance Menu.
  • Step 2. Choose an action from the Groups dialog box. Once you have opened the Groups dialog box, you need to select a name for the group, then select a directory name for the group, then set the access code to either Open or Restricted.
  • Step 3. Choose Close from the Groups dialog box.Elaborations help explain the steps as they are performed, which can help the user to avoid potential mistakes and perform procedures more efficiently.

Elaborations can also tell the user about alternative functions, toolbars, or keystrokes, how to tell if a step has been performed correctly, or where to look for additional information.Options or tables are suggested for use in procedures by organizing information and saving on space. These should be used when defining different keystrokes for the same operation, i.e.

To do this... Use these keys...

  • Set colors to black and white Ctrl-M
  • Revert to default colors Ctrl-D
  • Adjust the brightness Ctrl-B
  • Adjust the tones Ctrl-T

Screen shots, or screens, should be used when the user needs to see a tool in use or the results of an action. Screens are usually used for the following:
  • Give an overview of the main panel of an interface
  • Show the partial result of a procedure (a stage in the process) to help the user keep on track.
  • Show the final result of the procedure to let the user know where the procedure ends.
  • Show dialog boxes where the user has to make choices.
  • Show toolbars indicating which tools the user needs.
  • Show menus indicating what commands the user needs.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Feminist Theory and the Redefinition of Technical Communication

Mary M. Lay

Mary M. Lay discusses the need for the redefinition of Technical Communication to involve a more feministic approach. Lay speaks of technical communication in the past as known for the affiliation with scientific research. As of the 1980’s and 1990’s technical communication has adapted ethnography and anthropological research methods. It has included them to involve within the workplace environment. This is when Lay develops her concern for feminist theory.
Lay is concerned with the matters of objectivism and ethnography in means of collaboration. Lay defines her theory with six categories that discuss feminist qualities and three categories that define debate among feminists.

Characteristics of feminist theory include:
1. Celebration of difference
2. Theory activating social change
3. Acknowledgment of scholar’s backgrounds and values
4. Inclusion of women’s experiences
5. Study of gaps and silences in traditional scholarship
6. New sources of knowledge – perhaps a benefit of the five characteristics above

Lay goes on to discuss the six points stating that women celebrate difference because they do not want to be defined in a general sense. That women value new knowledge and hope that leads to a better understanding. In terms of research women will place themselves on the same level as the subject of the research to better understand that subject. Women value their experiences as well as others and try to relate. Women will explore the unknown and criticize the original study or definitions. Five refers to the knowledge and information that women receive is compared to historical moments and past experiences, instead of an individual person or instance. Lastly, that self image is not just personal experience but is interpreted by others.

Lay goes on to discuss the three issues of debate among feminists:
1. Should feminists emphasize similarities or differences among men and women?
2. Should these differences be located in cultural or biological traits?
3. Should these first two issues promote or displace binary opposition?

The first debate talks about the differences or similarities among men and women. Lay talks about whether these characteristics should be accepted or if a state of androgyny should be erected.
Next she discusses whether these differences should be recognized as cultural or biological. She brings up the maximalist approach which is there are basic differences between the sexes and that they are essentially culturalistic. The minimalist position states that men and women are essentially similar and the gender differences are superficial and socially constructed.
The third issue is dealing with masculinity and femininity whether they should be separate and if so women are placed below men on a hierarchical scale.
Lay goes on to talk about objectivity, scientific method, and ethnography. Basically Lay is telling her audience that technical communication is formerly known as research and not only research but quantitative scientific method research that doesn’t leave much room for a subjective approach. Now that technical communication has evolved so should the definition. Women or more predominant in technical communication than before and ethnography is a more popular research method. Lay is trying to ask the question how is research methods presented by women going to change technical communication, in the sense that when women do research especially ethnography they will have different backgrounds and influences then that of men. Women are inherently more nurturing and concerned about feelings. In the matter of collaboration which Lay thinks will be the most effected, she discusses the potential conflict and difference between men and women and how the conflict would be resolved. Most importantly Lay questions whether these should be issues for technical communication and if so what kind of definition would be given to technical communication in the future.